conversations: faith + life

what is qplace?

Qplace is a safe place for people who believe differently about God, the Bible, and faith to ask and discuss questions. The composition of the group are seekers, skeptics, and spiritual sojourners. We prefer that those who believe differently about God outnumber those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. 


why does qplace exist?

Qplace exists to facilitate spiritual conversations about faith and life in a safe environment where all questions are honored. We discuss topics and issues for the purpose of learning and exploration. Bible knowledge is not a prerequisite to join the group. We meet every other Thursday from 3:30-4:30 pm over zoom.

how does qplace help people connect with god and each other?

We help people connect with God and each other through spiritual conversations. Whether it’s talking about eternal life, sin, grace, a relationship with God, or the merits of Jesus as the son of God, we help people take one step toward knowing God. In addition, since our groups are communal, people make connections and develop friendships that go beyond the group.

Join Us Online

Join us with on Zoom every other Thursday from 3:30-4:30 PST

Join us on zoom