become a sponsor

Connect Silicon Valley events are designed to encourage conversations about faith and life and to help people consider what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The events are specifically designed as opportunities to help people on their spiritual journey both to connect with God and to each other.

Connect Silicon Valley (formerly the Silicon Valley Prayer Breakfast) is in its 27th year. With nearly 1,500 attendees, the annual gathering is one of the largest annual speaker forums held in the San Francisco Bay Area focused on authentic conversations about faith and work. 

Without the help of our sponsors, Connect Silicon Valley would not be financially viable because of the ever-increasing costs of producing these experiences. To maintain a reasonable price for our events and to provide a quality experience for our attendees, we invite individuals and companies to join our mission and become a sponsor.

Your donation is tax deductible. Connect Silicon Valley, is Part of Shaar Education a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The non-denominational events are neither a fundraiser nor associated with any particular church or denomination.

Connect SV Sponsor Opportunities

All Corporate and Non-Profit Sponsors Receive:

  • Logo/name recognition as a CONNECTSV Sponsor on website
  • Logo/name recognition as a CONNECTSV Sponsor on pre/post-event slideshow